• What is GDPR or RGPD ?
    The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or RGPD (Règlement général pour la protection des données) is a new European regulation aimed at enhancing and unifying the protection of personal data for individuals within the European Union. This new regulation applies across all European countries starting from May 25, 2018.
  • Who is affected by GDPR ?
    Any company processing personal data of EU citizens or for the benefits of Europen entities is subject to the GDPR and its measures.
  • What is personal data ?
    The General Data Protection Regulation defines personal data as follows :
    Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identify of that natural person.

We place great importance on the confidentiality of your personal data. Within our organizations Triangle Solutions RH SA and Triangle Talent Solutions RH, the personal data we collect from all workers is used in accordance with security and confidentiality standards. This document 'Rules on the Protection of Privacy' describes the personal data about you that we process, the legal basis for processing, and the purposes of processing. Finally, we inform you about the security measures we take to protect your personal data.

1. Who to contact in case of questions ?

Triangle Solutions RH SA and Triangle Talent Solutions RH (BE0446710536), headquartered at Allée de la Recherche 12, 1070 Anderlecht, and Triangle Solutions RH Construction SPRL (BE0695507519), headquartered at Parc Industriel des Hauts SArt, Première Avenue, 2, 4040 Herstal, are responsible fort the processing of your personal data. As data controllers, Triangle Solutions RH SA, Triangle Solutions RH Construction SPRL, and Triangle Talent Solutions RH declare that they comply with Belgian legislation on privacy protection, as well as the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation since its entry into force.

2. What is meant by personal data ?

The General Data Protection Regulation defines personal data as follows :
any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or one or more specific factors specific to their physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

When this document refers to personal data, it refers to this definition in the Régulation.

No particular categories of personal data are addressed. By processing special categories of personal data, we mean :
processing of personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or union membership, as well as processing of genetic data, biometric data for uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning the sex lif or sexual orientation of a natural person.

3. What personal data is processed ?

We collect and process various personal date concerning out temporary workers. This includes the following date :

  • Curriculum vitae, cover letters, notes taken during the recruitment interview
  • Photos and videos
  • Information necessary for payment of remuneration : your national identification number, address, seniority, marital status, bank account number, household composition, date of birth, phone number, email address
  • Your salary and pay slips
  • Emergency contact person's name
  • Evaluation forms
  • Information regarding the number of children and your marital status

4. For what purpose are the personal data processed and what is the legal basis for processing ?

The information necessary for payment of remuneration is collected for salary administration purposes, with the legal basis being the performande of a contract.

The emergency contact person's name is collected so that we can contact a family member or close relative in case of emergency, with the legal basis being the necessity to protect the vital interests of the worker.

Your curriculum vitae and cover letter, notes taken during the initial interview, as well as evaluation forms, are processed to track the recruitment process, with the legal basis being our legitimate interest.

Photos a,d videos are collected and processed for internal communication and potentially in the recruitment process, with the legal basis being your prior consent.

Information regarding your marital status and number of dependent children is necessary for tax and social security calculations purposes.

5. Duration of processing

Personal data of temporary candidates is kept for 3 or 5 years after the last qualitative contact. As the expiry date approches, we will contact you to inquire if you wish to remain in our database to be contacted about available positions, and if so, to obtain your consent for this purpose.

Personal data of temporary workers who have actually worked with us is kept for 5 years after the conclusion of the last contract. As the expiry date approaches, we will contact you to inquire if you wish to remain in our database to be contacted for certain roles, and if so, to obtain your consent for this purpose.

Your personal data is in any case retained in accordance with applicable legislation and statutory limitation periodes that may require us to retain your personal data for longer periods, for example, to defend against legal claims.

6. What are your rights as a temporary worker ?

a) Right of access and inspection

You have the right to access, at any time and free of charge, your personal data and to know we use it in accordance with applicable provisions in the sector.

b) Right to rectification, erasure, and restriction

You are free to provide us with or not provide us with your personal data. Additionally, you have the right to request us to rectify, complete, or erase your personal data.
You cannot object to the processing of personal data necessary for salary administration and data that we are required to retain and process under the law.
You may also request restriction of the processing of your personal data.

c) Right to object

You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for serious and legitimate reasons.

d) Right to data portability

You have the right to receive your personal data that we process in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and/or to transmit this data to other controllers, in accordance with applicable provisions in the sector.

e) Right to withdraw consent

Where the processing is based on your prior consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent.

f) Automated decision-making and profiling

The processing of your personal data does not involve/does involve profiling, and we will not subject you to decisions based solely on automated processing.
In some cases, you have the right to object to such automated decision-making.

g) Exercise of your rights

You can exercise your rights by contacting us via email at : gdpr@triangle-solutions-rh.be

h) Complaints

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Belgian supervisory authority : Data Protection Authority, rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Bruxelles, Tél. +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35, e-mail : commission@privacycommission.be

This right can be exercised without prejudice to any recourse before a civil court.

If you suffer damage as a result of the processing of your personal data, you can bring an action for damages.

7. Transfer to third parties

Some of your personal data that we process in transferred to third parties. This includes the following data :

  • Information necessary for the payment of remuneration is transmitted on the one hand to our social secretariat for salary administration purposes, and on the other hand to the competent public authorities within the framework of our legal obligations.
  • Your name, first name, and email address are transmitted to our IT provider and/or our cloud provider for the purpose of managing your account.
  • Transfert to the provider responsible for granting meal vouchers and/or eco-vouchers.

Some third parties process personal data on behalf of our organization to perform a specifi task. We enter into subcontracting agreements with all these organizations, which act as processors, and make every effort to ensure thath they can guarantee the security of your personal data.

Your personal data will not be sold, rented, distributed, or made available to third parties for commercial purpposes, except as described above or unless with your prior consent.

Your name and first name will also be transmitted to our clients if you start working in their company.

Your personal file may also be transmitted to the audit firm for the purpose of conducting an audit to obtain/retain the quality label of the professional federation.

In rare cases, we may be required to disclose your personal data in response to a court order or to comply with a bn-inding law or regulation.

8. Security and Confidentiality

We have implemented security measures that are technically and organizationally appropriate to prevent the destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized access, or inadvertent disclosure to third partie of the collected personal data, as well as any other unauthorized processing of this date.

  1. Technical measures
    • Use of antivirus and firewall
    • Regularly changed passwords
    • No unsecured hard drives
    • Encrypted emails
    • Secured access to date
    • Data encryption
    • No unsecured backups
    • Working on secured hard drives
  2. Organizational measures
    • Certain designated individuals have access
    • Procedure to follow in case of an incident
    • Instructions for workers and collaborators
    • Training for workers and collaborators
    • Confidentiality clauses

9. Law Insurance

Triangle Solutions RH SA / Triangle Talent Solutions RH
Allianz Benelux
Rue de Laeken 35
1000 Bruxelles
Contract number : 01PK08036960

10. Cookies

Triangle Solutions RH SA, Triangle Solutions RH Construction SPRL, and Triangle Talent Solutions RH use cookies to provide you with a tailored and most suitable experience for your needs. We use them to store some of your data to faciltate your navigation on our site but also to collect statistics that allow us to improve it. By continuing to browse this site, you accept the use we make of them. You can learn more, accept, or refuse these cookies by reading our cookie policy.

11. Changes

Triangle Solutions RH SA and Triangle Talent Solutions RH reserve the right, at any time, to modify and/or make corrections to this data protection policy. These changes will be announced on this site. If you continue to use the website after the adjustment, the adapted data protection policy will apply to this use.